Wikipedia seeks donation from Indian readers to keep encyclopedia thriving
non-profit organisation
Indian readers
Wikipedia’s appeal to Indian readers.
Wikipedia seeks donation from Indian readers.
Wikipedia, a free multi-lingual onlinethat provides information about almost everything, is seeking donation from the readers in India so it doesn’t go under.Thehas asked for a donation to defend’s independence and it fears that commercialisation would be a great loss to the world.The content on the encyclopedia is created, edited, and verified by its volunteers around the world.In a statement to, Wikipedia said, “We depend onaveraging about ₹1,000, but 98% of our readers don’t give. If everyone reading this gave ₹150, the price of one week’s worth of coffee, we could keep Wikipedia thriving for years to come. When we made Wikipedia a non-profit, people warned us we’d regret it. But if Wikipedia became commercial, it would be a great loss to the world.“Further stating that Wikipedia unites all of us who love knowledge: contributors, readers, and the donors who keep us thriving, the organisaton said, “The heart and soul of Wikipedia is a community of people working to bring you unlimited access to reliable, neutral information. Please take a minute to help us keep Wikipedia online and growing.“Though Wikipedia is demanding Rs 150 donation, it has also given the option to pay the amount of Rs 5,000 and more.Currently, there are 309 language editions of Wikipedia (also called language versions). The six largest, in order of article count, are the English, Cebuano, Swedish, German, French, and Dutch Wikipedias.