Photographer Rodrigo Kuntsmann shares the story behind his meme-able C-section picture.
Newborn Baby Makes Epic Face In Viral Birth Photo
A C-section birth photo is having a viral moment, thanks to the epic expression on the newborn’s face.
On Feb. 15, Brazilian photographer Rodrigo Kuntsmann shared pictures from the birth of Isabela Pereira de Jesus on Facebook. In one striking image, the baby girl appears to be glaring at the medical team in the operating room.
Rodrigo Kuntsmann
Kuntsmann’s viral birth photo quickly became a meme.
The photo quickly reached internet fame and thousands of reactions rolled in.
“Each person wanted to describe in the photo caption what the baby was thinking with that strong expression,” said Kuntsmann, who’s been photographing births for four years. “I think that’s why it went viral.”
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When Isabela’s picture started receiving so much attention, the photographer worried about her parents’ reaction.
“I asked how they were feeling, and, to my surprise, they loved the idea of their daughter becoming a meme,” Kuntsmann said, adding that he feels “very blessed” for all the positive feedback.
Ultimately, Kuntsmann said he hopes his viral photo inspires expectant parents to consider having their birth photographed.
“I hope that all future parents can have the awareness that it is a unique moment,” he said. “Birth photos are a gift for babies. Having kept the memory of the parents’ love on that great day is incredible.”