Democrats vs. Republicans: Who is Better for the USD? - The analysts expected the smooth victory of Democrats, and the Trump’s plans on “Making America great again” were seen as quite uncertain. Several months after, one November night shook not only the minds of the fellow Americans but the US dollar as well.

Who Are the Major Forex Market Players?

0 Flares Twitter 0 Facebook 0 Google+ 0 0 Flares × As the world’s largest financial market, the foreign exchange market easily dwarfs all other markets including the stock, bond and commodity markets by a substantial margin.

Forex Trading: A Beginner's Guide

Forex is a portmanteau of foreign currency and exchange. Foreign exchange is the process of changing one currency into another currency for a variety of reasons, usually for commerce, trading, or tourism.

What is JCB's Balance Sheet

What is a Japan Central Bank’s Balance Sheet? JCB is the only international payment brand based in Japan. A central bank’s balance sheet summarizes its financial position, and is made up of assets, liabilities and equity.