Leaked Kobe Bryant crash photos rumor

LEAKED Kobe Bryant crash site photos were allegedly used by a Los Angeles cop to impress a girl at a bar just DAYS after tragic accident. A number of LA County Sheriff’s deputies took photos at the crash scene that included remains, TMZ reported.

Mugshots of two ‘sexy’ felons go viral on Twitter

Mugshots of female felons have gone viral after a Twitter account set up to post the most attractive ones gathered almost 200,000 followers. Hottest mugshots of female felons go viral Mugshots of female felons have gone viral after a Twitter account set up to post the most attractive ones gathered almost 200,000 followers.

Antarctica snow turns blood-red due to algae, pictures go viral

New Delhi An astounding set of images is doing round on the social media which shows Antarctica snow turns into blood-red. The viral pictures show the Antarctic turning red near a former British research station due to microscopic algae that can survive in freezing temperatures.