2 Investing Tricks to Double Your Money

2 Investing Tricks to Double Your Money Wall Street loves to overcomplicate the process of investing. Throw enough arcane financial terms at a soon-to-be-retiree, ask them to choose between “variable annuities” and “covered call options,” or artificially segment their investing strategies into growth, value, and income holdings and chances are you will confuse your client so thoroughly that they will happily hand over a 2% annual fee to manage their money just so they don’t have to think about it!

Make a bullet journal for your money too

Make a bullet journal for your money too From bills and grocery lists to appointments and phone calls, millennials are constantly struggling to stay on top of all the responsibilities that come with “adulting".

Surgical Mask Manufacturer & Supplier

Surgical Mask Manufacturer & Supplier Surgical Mask This 3 ply face Mask provides maximum filter efficiency & easy-breathing comfort. Filters out 98% bacteria and dust. Easily contours with the nose due to built in wire support.

Dynamo Dresdens neue Gesichter und Marco Terrazzinos simple Rechnung

Dynamo Dresdens neue Gesichter und Marco Terrazzinos simple Rechnung Gerade mal 13 Punkte hatte Dynamo Dresden vor der Winterpause geholt und musste deshalb als abgeschlagener Tabellenletzter überwintern. Die Sachsen reagierten auf die prekäre Situation mit Transfers, sechs neue Spieler wurden geholt - und die Rechnung ging auf.

'Amazon Empire' Documentary Shows How Jeff Bezos Took Over Everything

‘Amazon Empire’ Documentary Shows How Jeff Bezos Took Over Everything This article originally appeared on VICE US. An upcoming PBS FRONTLINE investigation promises a deep dive into how Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos executed his plan to build an unprecedented empire that has invaded every sphere of our lives.