Aslı Bekiroğlu şan eğitimi almaya başladı

Aslı Bekiroğlu, çocukluk hayali olan şarkıcılık için şan dersi almaya başladı. Arp, piyano ve ukulele çalan ünlü oyuncunun idolü ise dünyaca ünlü yıldız Beyonce. ÜNLÜ oyuncu Aslı Bekiroğlu, çocukluk hayalini gerçekleştirmeye karar verdi.

Democrats vs. Republicans: Who is Better for the USD? - The analysts expected the smooth victory of Democrats, and the Trump’s plans on “Making America great again” were seen as quite uncertain. Several months after, one November night shook not only the minds of the fellow Americans but the US dollar as well.

What the Teapot Dome Scandal Has to Do With Trump’s Tax Returns

There have been a lot of comparisons between President Donald Trump and President Richard Nixon, but Warren G. Harding’s 1920s administration — and the Teapot Dome scandal that tainted his presidency — may actually be a better guide to what’s going on right now.

The Problem With Lifting Social Security’s Earnings Cap

The Problem With Lifting Social Security’s Earnings Cap For every complicated problem there is an answer that is clear, simple—and wrong. When it comes to financing the future of Social Security, many Democrats have a simple and wrong solution: lift the cap on earnings subject to the payroll tax.

How to invest your tax refund

How to invest your tax refund Getty Images Getting a tax refund is like celebrating a delayed Christmas. But instead of spending money to be happy, you get money. While there are plenty of ways you can spend your tax refund, there are also ways you can invest in yourself and your future.

Samsung Galaxy S20/ S20+/S20 Ultra Tax/Customs Duty in Pakistan

Samsung Galaxy S20/ S20+/S20 Ultra Tax/Customs Duty in Pakistan Samsung Galaxy S20/ S20+/S20 Ultra Tax/Customs Duty in Pakistan Newly Released, Galaxy S Series Current Flagships from Samsung, the Galaxy S20 / S20+ & S20 Ultra Tax, if you plan to import it to Pakistan

Gift Tax Limits 2020 • Benzinga

Gift Tax Limits 2020 • Benzinga Benzinga Money is a reader-supported publication. We may earn a commission when you click on links in this article. Learn more. This past year, did you buy a new car for your business partner or pay college tuition for your favorite waitress?

Here's a way to beat the tax burden for IRA heirs

Here’s a way to beat the tax burden for IRA heirs New federal rules for individual retirement accounts greatly increase the tax burden for some heirs by telescoping the allowable period for withdrawals.