Democrats vs. Republicans: Who is Better for the USD? - The analysts expected the smooth victory of Democrats, and the Trump’s plans on “Making America great again” were seen as quite uncertain. Several months after, one November night shook not only the minds of the fellow Americans but the US dollar as well.

What the Teapot Dome Scandal Has to Do With Trump’s Tax Returns

There have been a lot of comparisons between President Donald Trump and President Richard Nixon, but Warren G. Harding’s 1920s administration — and the Teapot Dome scandal that tainted his presidency — may actually be a better guide to what’s going on right now.

Explainer: Who is Roger Stone and why does he face prison?

(Reuters) - A federal judge on Thursday is scheduled to sentence Roger Stone, a long-time adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump, in a criminal case that has roiled the Justice Department and drawn the Republican president’s ire.

Why does Donald Trump want to buy Greenland?

Why does Donald Trump want to buy Greenland? The US president’s talk of a ‘large real estate deal’ says a lot about his view of the world Greenland, and more specifically its purchase by the US, is being actively discussed in Donald Trump’s Oval Office.