- Title: Fresh Allegations Against Greenwood, Cristiano Ronaldo Unfollows Him On Instagram
- Author: Oh My Goal - News
- ID: hNPMBLG1qf8
- Duration: 00:04:39
- Rating: None
- Views: 69863
- Thumbnail: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/hNPMBLG1qf8/default.jpg
We do not tolerate this kind of behaviour.
Every human being deserves respect
I am sure he never followed Greenwood in the first place. Greenwood also wasn’t following him for a while it was only after the late equaliser ronaldo scored against Atlanta that he Greenwood assisted made him follow ronaldo.
Cristiano Ronaldo never followed him in the first place……stop using cr7’s name in every video.
As a Ronaldo die hard fan I know CR7 didn’t follow Greenwood he did follow rashford and other players who admire him but Ronaldo and Greenwood dislike each other a lot since Greenwood try to compete against CR7 and Ronaldo doesn’t like his selfishness
What a way to throw away what could have been a very successful career for club and country,I don’t feel even slightly sorry for him if the charges are true.
Sad to see that he is not even proved guilty yet but the punishments has already started against him and most of these contracts like Nike will not comeback to him even if he is proved not guilty.
Since it was so obvious fom the beginning that greenwood is not passing the ball to Ronaldo, I used to check if Cristiano followed him. Cristiano never followed him. Prisonwood in the mud.
He got released he’s not going jail watch him finesse the system
Finally prison 11 has a striker
Wow he must be ok with being in prison and all of that, but Ronaldo unfollowing him on insta must have really broke him when he found out.
Manchester United has Mason Greenwood
Manchester City has Benjamin Mendy
They are truly rivals
Idk if anyone will see it or not and could answer that but if i already had a Fifa 22 carrier mode with man utd before greenwood got removed, will I still have him in the squad?
First thing, he never followed greenwood I know becoz I followed Ronaldo as well as greenwood and stop using Ronaldo in every video. I know ohmygoall doesn’t like Ronaldo but still u mentioning every video .
They should’ve hired outside forensic accountants from day one. By doing it now it just seems like they’re looking for a scape goat. Anyways we all know Barca has been doing dirty transfer business forever biggest example is the Neymar Transfer and there are many more.
Why don’t we wait for the outcome of his trial? remember innocent until proven guilty? it is insane how our society has become, we try individuals in the courts of allegations and public opinions. lets wait for the result
My obsession of Ronaldo is because i grew up fatherless, he’s the only father figure i have unfortunately since my other role model Liogay Pineapple can’t even score more than 1 goal while playing for the strongest team in the weakest league so pls don’t bully me cuz i don’t have a father
My idol Liogay Pessi is unfortunately finished cuz he can’t even score in the food delivery league
I think Ronaldo is behind Greenword conspiracy because Greenwood didn’t pass the ball to Ronaldo .
people do make mistakes, the guy is young maybe he just did what he did, i know i may be hated for this but we men we do need to stand with Greenwoods, our fellow man has fallen, we pick him up, correct where we need to and make him a better man, but abandoning a person who we loved coz he was doing good is just not fair, he did wrong but it doesn’t disqualify all the good he has done
I think Ronaldo is behind Greenword conspiracy because Greenwood didn’t pass the ball to Ronaldo .
you should update yourself and know that he has been released . while you are claiming there are fresh allegations.
He did worse than him on his age but he is wise enough to cover his shot
So greenwood and mendy are going to play for the Manchester prison team
We quick to jump to conclusion. Innocence before before being guilty.
Guys we can’t confirm that he did it. In today’s world alot of allegations and evidences(especially made by women) are fake. I’m not saying that he is innocent. My point is just that we can judge him to be guilty or innocent until it’s proven to be!!!!!!!!
Who knows who is wrong or right hope d truth come out
Stop using CR7’s name in every video to earn views then backbit him ….he never followed Greenwood and hated him from the very first.
Ronaldo never followed greenwood then how he unfollowed him?
Greenwood learned from the best ,cristiano his idol
Guys you need watch this closely when oh my goal branch channel post what the hell happened to rashford and Bruno they started performing well now they post post Mason Greenwood now both rashford and Robin his gf started following him on insta back lol.WTF
Can you guys change the caption, cos Ronaldo never followed greenwood on Instagram.
I get the whole ‘innocent til proven guilty’ but in this case we’ve all heard the evidence. No matter what happened leading up to it or how she posted it, it still happened, we can CLEARLY hear it.
I get bruises can be done with makeup and some people do make false allegations and try to set the man up (amber heard) but we can clearly hear what he is saying. Its disgusting and so are the people defending him.
Guys, when you see Cloak and Dagger hater just report him please! He’s just a hater. Lets not argue. Lets finish it normally!
Greenwood messed up
The way he said Nike is funny
Me who has Greenwood in my FUT Ultimate team
Ronaldo never followed Greenwood. Maybe cause they didn’t like each other or sumn
Isn’t he out on bail?.
He didn’t look like someone who would do such things
Greenwood story is sad
Ngl I have a bad feeling about phoden to
lmao love the way he says nike
Ronaldo doesn’t follow greenwood in social before the event bruvvvvvv!!!!!
️ man what is all these are just false allegations I kind would have felt bad for him
Even FIFA MOBILE has suspended all Greenwood cards
Ronaldo never followed him
He’s just been released on bail…
Dude is f****d… I don’t see him coming back from this.
I still play fifa 21 so ill just put green wood in reserves team
But Harriet has Re-followed Greenwood? Hmmm
Omg he literally pronounced Nike, Nik Lolll
Black players create so much trouble.
From Pigba to Greenwood to Martial to Balotelli to O Dembele to Lukaku.
That’s why you don’t purchase them for more than $2 million. You’re going to lose serious amount of money, time, discipline and commitment.
Phil foden: sweating
Can i be the goat( gay of all time) if I can’t be the actual GOAT as long as Messi is present?
How about harry maguire ??????
Marcus rashford didn’t unfollow
prison fc have officially signed mason greenwood
Greenwood deserves to go to jail
He got bail
Prison Fc has a new signing
A man Is always guilty until found innocent and a woman is always innocent until found guilty I don’t support any type of rap*st activities.
But greenwood getting hate before any official news is just sad
He is on bail right now.
Welcome to prison united!!
Not Guilty until proven otherwise.
CR7 never followed him , Only he follows CR7 on Insta . So please stop spreading fake news .
Mason greenwood ruined his career
Does ronaldo even followed him?
Soon we have a prison team
He has been Bail you clowns
Cr7 never followed him
Why is CR7 unfriending him when he did something similar about 10 years ago. All these soccer players with their dark chakra. Evil af.
This is too much
Too bad fifa, I play cracked and unudated version on my PS.
Giggs ronaldo and now greenwood man u is getting rape-accused players in every decade
Why Ronaldo unfollow, they have something in common now
We lost a future kid
Tbf most women deserve this hate though
Dont use ronaldo name and fame to make u r videos crispy and famous #im unsubscribing this channel
Prison FC
What is wrong with ur collar?
Lost respect for all of ud
How come we all know that the 20 yr old man is Mason Greenwood.
And in dont Like Messi bc hes an Farmer League Flopp…………………… NO ONE CARES
Followed Gaynaldos Footsteps and Now he is In Jail.
Gaynaldo for U.
Pessi drinking pepsi
Mason Greenwood Released On Bail today:
Bartamaueo u clown
Ok cool
He destroyed his career
When ronaldo had the same allegations we didn’t see this much punishments
Bye bye
Did CR7 officially put up any tweets related to it? Like: Today I’m unfollowing Greenwood… Factos!
If not, than this news is shit
First Cristiano Ronaldo rap*d in USA next Wayne Rooney has a case against him and now Greenwood all these United players have some special connection
Penaldo Would Be Proud
People are taking this too far they just believe everything they hear what’s the need to return Merch that has his name on it that’s so stupid