- Title: Mason Greenwood Bailed & Benjamin Mendy Arrives In Court
- Author: Fesify
- ID: BMDzl3UPm9o
- Duration: 00:02:19
- Rating: None
- Views: 118134
- Thumbnail: http://i.ytimg.com/vi/BMDzl3UPm9o/default.jpg
Even outside the pitch there’s still a rivalry
Prison FC, in my opinion, would be in the top four.
Pending further enquiries doesn’t mean he will face any trial
Just to think they could have been playing against each other literally because greenwood plays as a rw and mendy plays as a Lb
Fesify been doing bits in this greenwood case
Big up Fesify for updating us on Greenwood’s case
Mason wanted the wood more than the green
5 women aged over 16… what does that mean were some of them 17?? I think there’s alot we don’t know about that mendy case. Greenwood is done no matter what IF he gets off some how and ever plays again fans will eat him alive.
Greenwood shouldn’t be given a prison sentence, a season ticket at Sunderland is harsh enough IMO.
To the people this was recommended to 10 years in the future Fesify was the most Consistent Youtuber back in 2022.
HMP FC could have a strong team very soon. Rumour has it that Ryan Giggs could be joining them as Head Coach!!!
Prison FC would definitely get top 4 imo
He’ll settle in court but the club will sustain their seperation.. i dont see him on the pitch for the ramainder of the season
Any non high profile person with this sort of evidence gets remanded, literally ridiculous.
Absolutely disgraceful
Love the consistency fesify.
Over 4 million views on these 8 videos of this topic. Great stuff.
Get a police officer on! To explain what will could happen to them
Now I’m reading Mason’s Ex has refollowed him on social media along with some of his teammates. Wonder what is happening now??
When rivals become teammates
Ngl Manchester Jail FC has great signings during the transfer windows
As a crazy American I don’t get the UK press on this. They seem to really not wanna even name greenwood in the case constantly just saying “suspect” I just find that weird. Feel like American press if an athlete does something monstrous like is all over it and doesn’t shy away from the names.
I think they didn’t name him because they didn’t charge him yet. Probably complicated because of how it happened and the nature of the evidence.
Bail doesn’t mean anything. He could be under house arrest and not allowed within 1000 yards of the victim. Unless its NFA the cps are building a case against him.
Bail with no charge after 2-3 days? Cps must be struggling…
How can they be doing Derby’s off the pitch
No matter what he should never be playing for United again,he might be talented but with his mentality United will always be in problem and win nothing.Nobody from United is ever likely to win the Balon dor again especially with journalists voting for it.
Man got that baller money to bail himself out lol what did you expect
Fesify been doing bits in this greenwood case
Money talks, soft ears listen
We live in a time of great judgement. Don’t fall into the trap.
Gotta love Fesify for these uploads
Look at that like father like son !
Fair play to Fesify getting 4 million views off this case
Trial? He hasn’t even been charged. Don’t jump the gun
Prison FC starting to look lit
Welcome to Arsenal Mason Greenwood
Just because he’s a footballer they let him out if that was anybody else will go to jail straight away
Stand with Mason!
Bailing rapists is not cool
We support you Mason - STAY STRONG
People can hate on greenwood as much as they want he is still the best young player in the world free him
Am I seeing things or was there demonic Pentagram symbols appearing when Manson’s picture was on the screen? P.S I support Arsenal XD.
I agree with anybody who’s saying or gonna say that what he did is wrong. What he did it’s wrong, can’t lie but I believe in second chances. Dude has a career an he don’t look bad with his career. I go for United in the premier league an his one of the players I wanna watch every time. A lot of us can agree that he made a huge mistake but let him learn from it he could change an focus on his career as a professional.
All these footy players gonna make DTs 3 years look like a weekend SMH
Earlier you were saying he was going to get life,now he’s on bail.Fool
Wag1 with the illuminati signs at the start love it!!!
charges against mason is evident but mendy it is allegations
Mendy nd Greenwood be on the same wing
1:24 Jokes, tough life
greenwood love u and good bless u bro.
People do know that money can’t get you bail in the uk right? Like you can’t just be mad rich and think you can get away with everything
Money talks
Not the title I was expecting to see at all
“Only people who didn’t come from tiktok are worthy of liking this..”
Never trust a judge
Love this guys vids
Manchester does this to people, First Mendy, then Greenwood, hope Grealish is not next.
who ever gave mendy a trim should also go to prison just a saying ahahaha
Money changes alot of things
He should’ve never getting bail
Anyone else = straight up remand.
Rumours online that Greenwood was bailed by Harriet’s (the victim) father…
I believe the only reason people ‘hate’ him so much now and are campaigning for his imprisonment is because they genuinely loved and cared about him before. If those pictures and recording were recent and really authentic (by the way, in all honesty I don’t think they were…because that wasn’t Mason’s voice…unless he was drunk and/or having a cold), I do believe he should be imprisoned and serve as an example to other youngster footballers out there who are now getting this God-complex and feel like they can do anything because they are so good. Well, we put them on that pedestal and the only thing we know they are good at (…and probably true too) is kicking a ball. I’ve heard stories that Mason Greenwood is one of the ‘young ones’ Ronaldo was referring to in his recent interview that don’t want to be humble and learn from the more experienced and senior players in the team. If true, I believe that is why he never really developed more than this level and is still the selfish player he was when he signed on for the team, shooting from everywhere instead of considering and MAKING simple pass options. Back to his alleged crime, I believe he is innocent at best until proven guilty for now. I mean he has been released on bail afterall, and that has got to mean they didn’t find anything concrete enough to refuse him that. His girlfriend really isn’t helping issues by sounding like she was hiding the evidence and got ‘hacked’. Yeah that’s right…as if we are idiots.
He’s not been charged though so he’s not awaiting trial.
Any news on the other one, Gylfi Sigurdsson ?
Benjamin now has 8 counts
He will just say she wanted it, part of her kink that she wanted satisfied
All these man giving up there lives over some ," SALT FISH “, !!??? MAD !!
He just went in to answer his name & address.
Greenwood will walk. Girl just followed him.
Cheers fesify!
Who will win the HMP championship and receive the most years in prison what a derby Day too come
Lock up mason forcewood and throw away the key
Mason Greenwood has not been charged
Until charged no trial will take place
free greenwood.
So he will he still get MU wages while on bail?
Whats with the flashing satanic symbolism in the beginning ? Found that strange
Giggs in the taxi behind MENDY
how it goes is she drops charges…he pays her off..cps dont charge him…he never plays for man u..ever again…drops to championship level…end of story..
I click on this video saying “oh shit “
When greenwood goes to jail i hope he will do the same thing what he did to her Girlfriend to sigurdson
Assault charge for greenwood, where are you getting the r charge from? There’s no mention of the r charge on news
Why is there a satanic symbol flashing in the background ?!?
must be a manchester thing
I know the Mendy security guard
can you try to find out how long greenwoods and mendys prison times are
“R charges” - this ain’t top boy lad
Prison FC making moves
I think he’s innocent tbh
He’s a total let down why would u dream of doing summit stupid like this your a flipping professional you gotta act like a professional you shouldn’t be getting involved with girls just kee p yourself to yourself
Manchester down bad
What are Hurty words ? Sorry for my ignorance !
Primitive and uncivilised
Why the alchemy signs in the beginning of this video though?
most people here saying they are guilty..roast them…i dont know how old these people are but a matured experienced man will be cautious before jumping to conclusion, SOME women are very dangerous…all they need to do is “say something happened” and your life is ruined…imagine if in the end both guys were found not guilty, imagine, will they ever play football again? the answer is NO….Do some research and see how many false allegations are made daily and see how many are thrown out…then you will begin to see things differently
Fesify with the devil signs in his videos now.. smh
Both players should not play football again plus need sacking from there job. But like I said money talks
How tf did he get bail
Since when can’t you use the word rape???
He should never play football again
not sure if mendy did it, but I don’t think greenwood did
Dont die for nyash!
What’s up with Sigurdson if you know?
my guess is they will both get off because they are famous and make a lot of money for some elites. that is why they both got bail whereas Joe Bloggs on the street would not.
Cultural enlightenment at its worse
Rape mate. It’s called rape
Fam, I hear dat, the news an all dat but….what kinda symbols you flashing in mans head at beginning of the video bredda? Mans using the subliminal filter ffs
Welcome to Arsenal Benjamin Mendy
Why you scared to say the word rape?
Stop saying ‘R’ charge and ‘M’ charge. It is so cringe and unprofessional. You are trying way too hard to sound like your demographic.
Prison fc looking strong
Manchester is red and blue
These two have many similarities….
Name 4?
a LB vs a RW they gonna 1v1 winner gets out
I dont see mendy’s facemask
Mason Littlewood
Why does the pentagram keep popping up in all your vids, are you illuminati?
Even if he doesn’t get serious jail time his man u career is over anyways. Disgraceful
Putting Greenwood next to mendy on the same post paints him,………with the same brush..:-)
Why Mendy there for
His ex admitted that she accused him of the r charge and she also said that she only did that because he was seeing other girls and she felt jealous and angry at him
Light skinned bruddas always punching up there girls lol
Whats with the Pentagrams?
Lol they having a collaboration in jail
Why put up a pentagram lol
Swap suspect with greenwood
Yo fesify you’re flashing bare satanic symbols now wagwan for that?
Where is he going to hide?
Whats with the illuminati filter fesify in your vid. Stop that pls thanks
No charge though after rearresting him yesterday hmm,…..
Manchester Derby
How these people getting bail
If this was any normal person they would of been put in jail. But cos it’s a baller they get bail
Why on earth is there a pentagram at the start of this video?
Enjoy Prison FC
Red vs Blue
Bloods vs Crips
Why is there flashy freemason sign on your video
Sh it happens
United vs city
Light skin privileged
3 the black king Greenwood they got him in chains like they did to his ancestors freeedom is a MUST!!!!
Yo u dont like Greenwood do u bro like u wanted be a footballer urself or something
Wt abt ynw melly
i have a feeling he’s innocent (ik it’s 9 counts) but it could be 9 gyal tryna chase the bag & do him dirty
Why are you speaking g thru your nose
His teamate have showed him very bad behaviour the time he needde them the most.
Scarcity studios